We really do appreciate you choosing us as your Business Technology partner!
We exist to help small businesses adopt and use new technologies to improve their business efficiency and make more money.
We charge mid-market rates and are proud of the work that we do. We charge fairly so we can stay in business to keep helping you over the longer term.
Though sometimes it's just easier to do the little jobs than it is to spend an age explaining it, estimating and quoting it or invoicing for it.
If we've done a favour for you, or you've seen good value from the advice we provided - if we've helped you get back on your bike - please consider using the widget on this page to send us a little something to let us know you appreciate what we do.
Aside from being immensely flattering, humbling and gratifying, we really do appreciate anything that will keep us drinking good coffee and enjoying good beer - life's too short for anything else!